Probably built between the years 1384-88 following the construction of the fortified walls, the Church was located within the defensive wall system. and just above the medieval gate called "La Castagnera" (from which it takes one of the many names), one of the most important entrances to the city. The title "Madonna della Neve" (Our Lady of the Snow) refers to the vision of Pontiff Liberius, Pope of the years 352-366 who according to tradition, on the night of August 5th 352 had a vision of the Virgin Mary who invited him to build and name a church on the place where the next morning the snow was intact. The miracle came true and the Pontiff drew the plan of the new Church in the freshly fallen snow.
In 1975 the Alpini began to fix the roof, to redo part of the plaster and to fix the bell tower, damaged following a strong storm. Thanks to this, a fresco measuring about 3x4 meters was discovered, which depicts a Madonna and Child with the sides of two angels and above two pairs of cherubs playing the lute, partly attributable to Francesco Beccaruzzi and datable to around 1530. The signs of a pictorial work placed on a previous plaster state are also evident underneath the same Madonna. It can be considered to be from the fifteenth century.