
Swing Italia di Maurizio Bottegal- Parapendio e Accessori per il volo libero

SWING has been developing paragliding successfully since 1986 and is one of the pioneers in the Free Flight scene. In 1999 it managed to gain market leadership and since then it has been one of the leading manufacturers in the sector globally.

Maurizio Bottegal


Maurizio Bottegal, born in Zurich (CH) On 29/11/1962, began paragliding towards the end of 1987 and is love at first sight. 20 titles won nationally and internationally since he began his career in 1989 (13 appearances in the National Team). Since 1991 he has been instructor and free flight examiner certified by the Aero Club of Italy. Since 1992 he has directed the Monte Avena paragliding school, where he personally teaches basic, safety and advanced courses. He collaborates continuously with industry magazines, in which he is often present with articles on flight technology and materials. It also collaborates with clothing companies for the realization of specific items for flight. He is a test pilot for the development of paragliders of the German company Swing, of which he is the sole dealer for Italy. Since 2006 he is the creator of "Volare Meglio", a theoretical practical course based on the correct mental attitude to improve in free flight. Race Director of the 15th World Paragliding Championship FAI held in July 2017 in Monte Avena - Feltre

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Swing Italia di Maurizio Bottegal- Parapendio e Accessori per il volo libero

via Fratta 59 Feltre 32032 Feltre (BL)

Tel: +39 338 540 9511

E-mail: info@swingitalia.com

Autumn Nature & Wild Family and friends Summer Spring Piave


Veneto Rivers Holiday represents a project consistent with the Strategic Regional Tourism Plan Veneto, designed in synergy and complementarity with the objectives of the various OGD involved.
It invites and it is open to the active involvement of local governments.

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Official site of the Temporary Association of Companies “Veneto Rivers Experience”.

The A.T.I. Veneto Rivers Experience thanks all those who collaborate and have collaborated in the realization of this web project for the promotion of experiences and valuable time to spend along the Venetian rivers from the Dolomites to Venice.

  • Photo: Studio 2000 Hz Gianni Frescura, Ass.Prom.Tur. Alpago - Cansiglio aps, Archivio ATI Veneto Rivers Experience.
  • Copy: Atr Comunicazione, Marco Piccoli-The Grandiz, Skillamix Design.
  • Web project, hosting: Kumbe srl
  • Destination Management System: DMS Deskline by Feratel media technologies srl

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